Allergy Skin Prick Testing (OHIP COVERED)
We test for environmental and food allergies for both pediatrics and adult patients.
A skin prick test, also known as a puncture or scratch test, detects immediate allergic reactions to up to 50 different substances in a single session. This test is commonly used to identify allergies to pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites, and certain foods. For adults, the test is typically performed on the forearm, while for children, it may be conducted on the upper back.
Allergy skin tests are minimally invasive and not painful. The testing involves the use of small poking device that barely penetrate the skin’s surface, causing no bleeding and only mild, brief discomfort, hence the word “scratch” test. After cleaning the test site with alcohol, a licensed health care provider or clinical assistant will make small marks on your skin that contain a drop of each allergen extract next to each mark. Once it has prick into the skin’s surface, it will produce a reaction or none!
To ensure accurate results, two control substances are also applied to your skin:
- Histamine: Typically causes a skin response in most people. If there’s no reaction, the test might not reveal an allergy even if one exists
- Glycerin or saline: These substances usually do not cause a reaction. If they do, it may indicate sensitive skin, requiring cautious interpretation of the test results
Approximately 20-30 minutes after the pricks, our licensed providers will check your skin for allergic reactions. If you are allergic to any of the tested substances, a raised, red, itchy bump (wheal) will appear, resembling a mosquito bite. The size of the bump will be measured and recorded to help determine your allergies. Results will be shared with you and your referring provider.